Tuesday, November 23, 2010

kimono update..

SO...it seems that I have gone the completely backwards route when it comes to purchasing kimono and obi. I started out with the most formal furisode that my lovey was nice enough to purchase for me while we were in Japan ( I am still thanking him..though I am sure it is getting annoying). Next came a kurotomosode I found on etsy..then a full shibori houmongi. Now finally I have a "normal" kimono on the way. It is this piece below, a nice synthetic yabane pattern with little teal and white circles. I am excited.
Firstly because it is synthetic, secondly because it is not lined so I can alter it to fit my somewhat crazy lanky and tall self.  I have been very wary when it comes to altering the ones that I have as they are all rather old and I am sure if I undo the seams that I will find mismatched fabric that has not been hit with sun and age damage peeking through.  So..with out further babble there she blows! Hooray for Yamatoku's 9.99 sale!

Also on ze way..
A weeee little sleeping cat netsuke. Netsuke used to be for men's traditional japanese attire, but the vintage ones that are more " cute" have dropped into modern women's kimono ensembles, so this will double as an obidome for moi.

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